Westbury Area Network Raises Over £100 at Christmas Celebrations
Westbury Area Network had a successful day at the Westbury Christmas celebrations on Saturday, December 2, raising more than £100 for our westbury food bank operation, which provides emergency food and support to people in crisis.

We had a stall at the event, and organised a fun competition, where visitors could guess the price of a food box filled with items donated by local businesses. The winner of the competition was Geoffrey Hiscocks, who guessed the closest amount!!
Charity Trustee, Ryan Child said: “We are very grateful to everyone who supported us at the Westbury Christmas celebrations. We had a great but chilly day, and we are delighted to have raised over £100.. The food bank volunteers do vital work in our area, especially during the winter months, when many people struggle to afford food and heating. Evey donation makes a real difference.
We are always looking for new volunteers who can help with various activities, such as collecting and sorting food donations, delivering food parcels, or providing advice and support to food bank clients. If you are interested in joining the network, please contact Caroline and Linda at westburyareanetwrok@gmail.com