Donating to Westbury Area Network

Westbury Area Network relies on donations from members of the public, as well as grants and funding from various local organisations.

If you would like to help support the vital work of WAN providing essentials for the most vulnerable members of our community, there are several ways you can donate.

Making a Donation

All financial donations to WAN are enormously appreciated, and they help make sure we can continue to offer support services to as many people as possible who are in need. Although the Food Bank is primarily stocked with items kindly donated by individuals, businesses and local groups, sometimes supplies run low, and we need to buy in extra. Cash donated to WAN will go not only towards our running costs, but to stocking up our shelves and ensuring that our food parcels contain healthy, nutritious essentials for people who really need them.

Gift Aid

To make a donation with Gift Aid, you can use our donation & Gift Aid declaration form attached at the bottom of this page.


One-off donations can now be made online via our Givey fundraising page:

Bank Transfer

Regular donations can be made by setting up a standing order using the below details:

Account Name: Westbury Area Network
Sort Code: 23-05-80
Account Number: 43602691

Cash and Cheques

Cheques (made out to Westbury Area Network) and cash can be delivered in person or sent in the post to us at: 

Westbury Area Network, 
c/o Westbury Community Project, 
Eden Vale Road, 
BA13 3NY

Donating Food & Other Items

When it comes to the Food Bank, every little helps and all donations are greatly appreciated. As a general rule, items donated to the Food Bank need to be of a ‘long life’ nature – tinned or dried goods - and all within their best before/use by date. Unfortunately, the team cannot accept donations of fresh produce to the Food Bank.

Some examples of items that can be donated to the Food Bank, and which are often in high demand, include:

  • Tinned vegetables and fruit
  • Tinned meats and fish
  • Pasta or curry sauces
  • Soup
  • Baked beans and tinned spaghetti
  • Tinned puddings and custard
  • Jars of coffee and teabags
  • Cereal

The Food Bank also accepts non-edible items to be included in food parcels too, including:

  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Shower gel and soap
  • Toothpaste and toothbrushes
  • Household cleaning products
  • Deodorant
  • Nappies
  • Washing powder

The team also post regular updates on social media listing items most needed at a given time, see the Westbury Area Network Facebook page for more information.


Charity Donation & Gift Aid Declaration

To make a donation to Westbury Area Network, please fill out and deliver the attached form. You can also Gift Aid your donation, which increases its value by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support.
Download File